Soon be tea time. I must check the library bins for scraps. I've scrounged enough cash enough for some more White Lightning. As the shit dried on my underpants it started to smell less, but the wiff was still enough to send people running. An old ladies dog started yapping at me earlier, so I kicked it a few times, and that shut the little cunt up. He's stopped moving, as well as yapping, and then the old bitch started screaming. That drew a crowd, so I didn't get to give her a kicking. I think I'll just put shit through her letter box. It's such a nice sunny day, I might go into the woods for a wank.
I was touched by your blog.
More touched than the time I spent in prison for Fraud.
God Bless you for bringing the plight of the homeless and mentally retarded to a greater audience.
Stop shiteing on my lawn ya bass
Stay strong my friend.
All your friends in the USA are behind you.
I'm personally sending you some MACE in case you come across any Nuns.
Those Whipple wearing freaks will fuck you sideways if they get the chance.
Extremly funny - good job - love it
Nice work, picking on the marginalized is always admirable. Maybe next post you can hate on brown people and the handicapped. Good thing we have caring people like you telling the rest of us what to do...
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